Most people suffer from public speaking anxiety. Just the thought of having to speak in front of a group of peers is enough to shatter the nerves. In order to overcome public speaking anxiety, it helps to be prepared as much as possible. As soon as you know the topic of the speech, begin researching to gather as much information about the subject. The more you know what to focus on, the less public speaking anxiety you will feel.
If you are giving a speech for a special occasion, such as a wedding or funeral, it can be difficult if you do not know what to say. If you do not have a lot of time, it may be difficult to come up with a speech that you feel comfortable with. If you have the time, and you have a knack for writing, you can write the speech and practice until you feel comfortable enough to overcome public speaking anxiety. Practicing in front of a mirror, or giving your speech to a family member or friend, helps overcome public speaking anxiety and prepares you to give the speech.
If you are not good at writing speeches, there are places online to find speeches already written. However, if you do not want to end up giving a speech that someone else already gave, you need to come up with something on your own, or look for a service that can write a speech on the topic of your choice. Some speech writing services can even offer tips to help overcome public speaking anxiety. Regardless if you write the speech yourself, find a speech online or hire a professional speech writer, it is important to practice the speech. Only with practice can you triumph over public speaking anxiety.
After researching and practicing your speech, you might still feel some public speaking anxiety. As you begin your speech and realize it is no different from what you practiced, your public speaking anxiety will subside. The knowledge you gathered about your topic, and the amount of practice you put into it, will prepare you and give you the confidence you need to give a successful speech.