If you are deciding between a standard or a custom LCD screen, there are several great advantages to heading down the LCD route that may help you to make a decision on whether or not a custom lcd screen is right for you.
First, LCD custom displays have extremely high resolutions, and can easily reach HD level resolutions in all but the smallest size screens. Of course,custom color lcd along with high resolution comes superior picture quality.
The newest and most expensive LCDs use an LED instead of a traditional bulb for their light source. These LEDs produce a higher quality picture because the LED itself emits a more natural light than a bulb. Displays appear more life like and vivid, which is a great feature for movie and television watching.
Another great benefit of custom lcd displays that few people know about is how “green” they are for the environment. Compared to plasmas, LCD HDTVs use less electricity to run. You can probably expect to use about 30 percent less power for an LCD than for a similar sized plasma.
Finally, Most custom LCD panels and television displays can also work as a PC monitor, plugging directly into any PC with a standard PC video cable, which is great for businesses.
Custom LCD’s are a great option for both professional and personal usage. High quality, resolution, and less energy make LCD display custom pieces a great option for anyone looking to upgrade their television or PC monitors. The next time you watch a movie or show directed by Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, or Michael Palance, be sure to watch it on an LCD screen!