Technology can be an incredibly unwieldy thing for many people. For those who aren’t familiar with the terminology and do not have the practical experience, the subject can be overwhelming and confounding. In the past, those seeking help may have relied on a traditional tech talk radio show. Today, perhaps unironically, the layperson can access crucial information with the assistance the comparatively newer media of blogs and podcasts.
One of the benefits of technology blog sites, as opposed to more antiquated tech chat shows, is that they address their readers’ questions and concerns more efficiently. More topics can be covered in a shorter period of time, especially if multiple bloggers contribute to the site. From Gizmodo and Mashable to Computerworld and ZDNet, you’re sure to find the answers you’re looking for. There is also no need to worry about not getting your question answered by the time the “show” is over, because you can easily leave your query in the comment section or email the blog.
And when you read technology news blogs, you’re not only benefiting from the experts at the helm of the blog, but also the community of avid tech lovers who comment in the forums. You might just get the sound advice you are looking for from a fellow reader, and not directly from the blogger.
There is of course the ever important factor of logistical accessibility. In other words, you don’t have to worry about missing the latest information from the best technology blog because the information is available on demand, whenever you need it. The same can be said for technology radio online, which often comes in the form of podcasts. Some of the more notable tech chat shows available via podcast include NPR Technology, the Wired Podcast, and TEDTalks technology.
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about how to find the best tech tips, be sure to share them in the forum below.