How many times have you walked into the room of your son or daughter and seen a desk piled three feet high with papers and books and notebooks? Surely, you think, those can all go into the desk drawers. What good are they otherwise? So you open the drawers and find empty cd cases, have eaten sandwiches, crumpled balls of paper, and two and a half pairs of socks. Suffice it to say, organization was never a strong suit for your kids. But, there is a way to help with that.
Whether it is to help little Jeremy keep his school stuff tidy and organized while he cleans up his action figures, or part of the dorm room essentials for Jessica as she goes off to her first year at university, my how she has grown, chair pockets (or seat sacks) can play an important role in keeping things neat and organized while still making sure your kids have stylish dorm rooms.
For those out of the know, the dorm room essentials known as chair pockets are nylon or fabric sacks that drape over the back of the desk chair. The part that your child leans against is completely flat, while the part on the back side of the chair holds several pockets. There are a few big pockets that can hold notebooks, papers, or even whole books. And there are a couple smaller sized pockets in which pens and pencils can be stored. Scissors, push pins, paperclips and any other necessity can be stashed as well. Aside from chair pockets being considered dorm room essentials, they can also be used in the classroom.
Have all of the desks fallen apart, but it is just not in the budget to get anymore? Are the kids stuck sharing tables all over the classroom with no place to store their belongings besides on the table in front of them or on the floor? Not anymore. For a scant fraction of the price of new desks, you can order a whole classroom worth of chair pockets to give your students the organization and space they need in order to learn more effectively. Regardless of who is using them where, invest in some chair pockets in order to ensure a more organized, less chaotic life for your children, no matter their age.
what a great idea. never realized how much wasted space is back there until now. they really do utilize all of the space back there, leaving more room for other stuff in the more conventional desk drawers
where were these when i was in school! we had to leave out stuff on the floor, and the books always got soggy over the winter, when the floors always stayed constantly wet thanks to the snowy boots of everyone
where were these when i was in school! we had to leave out stuff on the floor, and the books always got soggy over the winter, when the floors always stayed constantly wet thanks to the snowy boots of everyone
where were these when i was in school! we had to leave out stuff on the floor, and the books always got soggy over the winter, when the floors always stayed constantly wet thanks to the snowy boots of everyone
where were these when i was in school! we had to leave out stuff on the floor, and the books always got soggy over the winter, when the floors always stayed constantly wet thanks to the snowy boots of everyone
where were these when i was in school! we had to leave out stuff on the floor, and the books always got soggy over the winter, when the floors always stayed constantly wet thanks to the snowy boots of everyone