For those that are getting ready for the fishing season and looking to go somewhere new, look no further! Venice, Louisiana is the top spot for fishing for tuna. Located just west of the Mississippi River, the tuna fishing charters are wide open.
Tuna fish are a saltwater fin fish whose size varies greatly and can live for up to 50 years. There are several methods used to catch tuna in the mississippi river. Fishers can perform tuna fishing by using a traditional pole and line, a harpoon gun, a fish aggregating device or longline fishing. Tuna is mostly known for being processed into canned tuna, but can be cooked and enjoyed other ways as well. Pan frying or in a sushi roll are popular ways to enjoy tuna.
In addition to having one of the best tuna fishing spots in the whole world, Venice Louisiana has many other aspects that would convince you to come fishing here as well. Only 60 miles south of New Orleans, a family trip can be made out of a fishing trip as well. The community of Venice is made up of charter boats, commercial fishing and oil field workers. Venice Louisiana fishing is the heart and soul of Sportsman Paradise.