Did you know that Bill Gates is so wealthy that he has basically earned $100,000 for every hour he has been alive? Taking a finance training course will not necessarily make you as rich as Bill Gates, but it will prepare you to do better in your industry, enhance your business, or move up the company ladder. Here are three things a finance training company might teach you.
1. How Not to Tank a Company
An incredible 46% of businesses tank because of owner or managerial incompetence. Pitfalls include pricing emotionally, living too high, not paying taxes, and having no knowledge of business plans or accounting. Though all this might sound like common sense for running a business, for many people, it is a lesson that needs to be learned. Finance training courses can help teach you how to manage effectively, efficiently and correctly. Although there are many creative ways to run a business, there is really only one way to balance a checkbook.
2. Accounting Courses
For employees, understanding how to maximize assets and protect fixed assets at the same time for better company growth is important, and a matter of having an understanding of asset accounting. In this type of course, students would learn finance project topics like how to get maximum tax benefits, how to find assets and judge whether they are being fully utilized, and how to assess the value of their assets in the current economy. Cost accounting courses, on the other hand, teach how to effectively implement cost accounting systems that show you how to follow where every dollar in your company is used.
3. The Basics of Finance
Even non financial managers can benefit from learning more about finance, since performance tends to be judged based on how profitable an operation is, and profit depends on a solid understanding of finances. These types of finance training topics might teach you, for example, about the elements of creating financial models, or the difference between debt and equity financing. Do you know the use of leveraging can increase the return shareholders receive? Many of your questions about the mechanics of finance will be answered in a basic level course.
What courses would you take from a finance training company? Let us know in the comments!